

Ground Services Captain
Mr. GP Gupta

From The Desk Of Our Captain

Dear Smiling Teammates,

It is overwhelming to see the growth in viewership of our Digital Magazine - SpicyReflection and we appreciate the effort of each individual.

In the last edition of SpicyReflection, we covered the topic ‘Customer Centricity, under the series ‘Nurture your talent’. In this edition of our magazine we will talk about an important factor of our career under the topic‘Shedding impediments to Success’. This article will help us to know about the impediments to success within ourselves, which can hold us back in our career growth.

In this edition under ‘My City My Place’, we have covered Bagdogra, the beautiful city of North-East India. It will be a great experience to know more about the‘Gatewayto North-East India’.We have also included a travel journal of our colleagues’ trip to Ladakh.

I would also like to congratulate the winner of SpicyReflection Quiz (May 2022 edition) Mr. Hari Prakash from Madurai. We would like to see moreSpiceJetters to participate in the quiz and win surprise gifts.

Our focus on customer delight has lead us with many delightful moments with our passengers.In this edition we bring to you SpiceJet’s 17th Anniversary celebrationmoments along with World Earth Day and Mother’s Day.Keep up the great work!!

We would also encourage rest of our employees to participate more actively on our social media page as it helps to highlight our employees and their talent on a larger platform.

Hope you all will enjoy this edition of SpicyReflection filled with knowledgeable and interesting facts and share your feedback/ideas for the next edition. Also enjoy our fun filled social media page “SpicyReflection” page on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.

Jai Hind!

Your Captain

GP Gupta

SERIES: "Nurture Your Talent"

Propel your career by shedding impediments to success - By: Mr. GP Gupta

In last two articles we have noticed that our courteous behaviour and strong sense of gratitude play important role in our professional success. There are lot of inbuilt impediments to success and we need to ensure that these do not become a roadblock in our career. In this article we will share some of the impediments to success that are very well in our control, however many times we miss to control these and they hurt our growth and career.

These impediments are also known as ‘Weapons of self-destruction’. These are the weapons which are inbuilt in us and we keep with us, but these weapons destroy us and our career only. Major weapons of self-destruction / impediments to success are as under:-

1. Compromising Integrity
Simple definition of ‘Integrity’ is ‘to do right things when even nobody is watching us’. In other words we may say ‘Integrity’ is ‘judicious use of authority without any biases’. We should always work like we are ‘working under a camera and under full public view’. We should always be in a position to take our decision to our stakeholders with full transparency. Our yardstick for decision making should remain the same irrespective of the person in front.

Never be part of wrongdoings. If you see something wrong happening, please do report. We should never compromise on our integrity be it financial, functional or family. One compromise on integrity will always hound you throughout your life and you will lead a life full of guilt.

Please do remember that integrity is binary; either it is there or not there. It is never 99%.

2. Ego
Ego is the biggest weapon of self-destruction / impediment to success. Ego is a false superiority complex or a belief that our abilities or accomplishments are somehow dramatically better than other people's. A lot of times professionals end up flaunting the same in public which irks other people and they start disliking / hating that individual. Not only do they start disliking, but they also get a strong urge to teach a lesson to that person.

You may have heard that Ego is the biggest enemy of any individual as it creates enemies against you. Ego has never served any purpose. We should shed our ego immediately so that we become acceptable to people. Leadership is by acceptability only, not by imposition.

People in leadership roles need to be more humble and polite. They need to practice humility in every walk of life. They always need to be a good listener.

3. Gossip
Gossip is always a discussion between two or more persons about a third person or persons who are not part of that discussion. Gossip is always negative talk or talking ill about people behind their back. It brings negative thoughts to our minds and drains our energy. Gossip is a vicious circle as gossip breeds gossip and it brings negativity. The person with whom we gossip about a third person, will gossip against us after we have left and will never respect us and accept us as a leader.

One should always stay away from gossip. If you want to give feedback to any individual or group of individuals, give that directly as that individual / group needs / need to work on that; but not the third party. That person / persons will respect you and may accept you as a leader for genuine feedback.

4. Arrogance / I attitude
The term ‘Arrogance’ and ‘I attitude’ are used interchangeably. In nutshell, arrogance is an unpleasant proud behaviour as if you are more important than, or know more than, other people. In this case you are trying to show your one-upmanship. It is worth noting that no one likes one-upmanship. The more grounded you are, the higher acceptability you will earn and this is the leadership.

Leaders should always be humble, polite and approachable.

5. Rude Behaviour
Display of disrespect, breaking of social norms or expectations, breach of etiquette, or ignoring "accepted" behaviour is known as ‘Rude Behaviour’. Rude behaviourcan also mean someone behaving inconsiderately, aggressively or deliberately offensively.

Talking to people without eye contact, smile and greetings is also considered as rude behaviour or ignoring a person in front of you and talking to someone else on phone or otherwise is another form of rude behaviour unless you have taken express approval from the person in front of you.

Not carrying proper body posture is another form of rude behaviour.

People who behave rudely are not acceptable to anyone irrespectively how senior, intelligent and smart they are. People start hating you if you behave rudely with them or with anyone else. You will never be able to win their faith, trust and confidence.

Let us resolve that we will behave with full humility with everyone and it will be part of your personality. We will maintain 100% eye contact, smile and greetings. Our body posture will also be positive and energetic. We will remain courteous to everyone.

6. Fault finding approach
Our approach to resolve issues should always be ‘problem solving’ rather than ‘fault finding’. We should always do the root cause analysis to ensure that we develop systems, processes and SOPs to ensure that the same issue does not reoccur again. However our focus should be to fix the problem rather than the person unless it is a case of violation of SOPs or any criminal act by an individual.

7. Overconfidence
Overconfidence is a well-established bias in our mind that our skills, judgments, values, opinions, beliefs and abilities are much greater than they actually are. In such cases failures are guaranteed as soon as one is put to test.

We should always test our skills, knowledge and judgments by facing tough situations ourselves or testing our understandings with seniors / mentors to avoid such failures.

One should always be confident but the confidence should be based on your actual skills, knowledge and judgments rather than on presumed skills, knowledge and judgments.

8. Rigidity
Rigidity is known as lack of flexibility in our approach. We must always recall that we live in a dynamic world. What worked yesterday; may or may not work today and what is working today may or may not work tomorrow. Technology is changing with a fast pace and so are the expectations of the people / our customers.

We should always keep our ability to learn new things alive. We should always keep ourselves updated with the best practices prevalent in our industry in India or anywhere in the world and keep our teams briefed about the same. We should always be adaptable to changes.

9. Unprofessional Conduct
Any deviation from the accepted level of conduct / behaviour is known as unprofessional conduct. We must note that no one will accept unprofessional conduct including our subordinates.

Even if we have serious differences with people our conduct should always remain professional.

10. Temptation
Temptation is a strong desire / emotion to do something wrong / unwise / illegal / prohibited. Temptation is a trap created by our emotions against us. It can ruin our careers. There are a lot of times / circumstances when we get attracted to some objects / things and get prompted with high emotions to do some act which are wrong / unwise / illegal / prohibited.

Temptation can only control us if we do not apply our brain and control our emotions in time, in view of the far reaching consequences. Our brain should be strong enough to know consequences in advance so that our temptation does not control us. We must remember that temptation is highly sloppy floor and it is very easy to slip, but our brain should have power brakes to stop us from slipping and saving our reputation and career.

Following are some of the common temptations which have ruined people’s careers over a period of time:-

a) Authority
Authority is the power to give orders, make decisions and control the behaviour of people. When we get authority, our emotions get tempted to show our power to people by taking some adverse actions / decisions. Sometimes we try to level our personal scores with people or settle our grudges. Whenever such thoughts come to our mind we must immediately remember that we will lose our authority forever.

We must always keep in mind that authority is for use; not for misuse.

b) Money
Money has always been the biggest temptation for people. Everyone wants to become a millionaire and billionaire overnight. It is good to enrich ourselves with legally earned money. Illegally grabbed money will always come with vices and severe consequences. First and foremost it will not stay with you and on top of that there are strong chances that you will be caught sooner or later. It may cost you; your job, family and reputation.

Always stay away from unearned money which does not belong to you.

c) Physical Proximity
Physical closeness also creates strong emotions / temptation to take illegal advantage whether it is resources or human being. Our brain should work faster than our emotions or temptation. As soon as emotions start building, our brain should kill them and save us from wrong doings. Close proximity may trap us in cases of theft, sexual harassment, unnecessary behind-the-back discussions etc.

We need to ensure that whenever we are in close proximity of any temptation, our brain power brakes remain applied, on all our temptations and emotions.

d) Alcoholism / smoking / Social Media / substance Misuse
Alcoholism, smoking, social media and substance (illegal drugs) abuse are another form of temptation which tempt us to do wrong things under influence. It costs us our family time, money and energy. We must avoid this.

11. Casual / Laid Back Attitude
Casual / laid back attitude is a type of behaviourthat is not related to the facts and circumstances of the person. It is kind of an ‘I do not care attitude’ behaviour. In personal and professional life casual / laid back attitude does not work. It will lead to failures.

We must be careful in our personal and professional life. Careful planning, effective execution and pro-active approach should always be part of our personality.

12. Un- Groomed
Our appearance is our first introduction to people. It describes us the best as to what kind of person we are. It reflects us even before we start our interaction with someone. We must always ensure that we carry the best of the grooming.

13. Not respecting COVID-19 protocols
We must respect all the COVID-19 protocols. Not following the COVID-19 protocols, will describe us as an irresponsible citizen of the country.

I am sure everyone who reads this article will be able to understand it fully and use this in briefing our colleagues as part of investment in them.


Mr. Suryavir Singh Bisht
Sr. General Manager - Ground Services

Pulse of Wisdom

Dear Colleagues,

When I started my career as an engineer around 30 years ago, the Air India group was the only Indian airline and was being run by the government. As aviation had always fascinated me with the sounds of thundering engines and the magnificent sight of take-off and landings, I soon joined a start-up airline in the management, which was getting ready to launch India’s first private airline in 1992.

Everyone was full of energy and enthusiasm, working tirelessly to build a new airline. But no one really knew about the future, whether the airline would succeed and what would happen to our careers?

Aviation business is a fast moving industry and is dependent on many domestic and international factors. This makes it very difficult for management to predict the future or control factors due to geo-political situations, cost of operations like ATF, fluctuation in US$ Exchange Rates, high Taxes, etc.

Many of the other private start-up airlines collapsed, but luckily for me, the airline I had joined became super successful! Later on, I gained experience by working for 5 airlines around the world, and realized that one can definitely look forward to a rewarding future in aviation, if you have strong work ethics.

Here is what I learnt during my career, which I want to share with you:

Know your Future in Advance:
• If you really want to know where your destiny lies, look at where you use your time. How you use or don’t use your time is going to be the best indication of where your future is going to take you!

Fast Track your Career:
• Work harder than everyone under you or above you. Doing so will show your dedication and will result in getting respect from your colleagues and leaders.
• Take on new and difficult tasks that you aren't comfortable with to expand your skill set. When you try new things, you prepare yourself for your next role.
• Be persistent and have clear defined goals. Never give up.
• Most career advancements happen when someone steps into a mess and makes a difference by cleaning up the chaos. This will likely bring attention from your seniors to your skills and expertise.
• Besides skills and experience, try to achieve professional certifications from time to time.

Short Cut to Success:
• Learn from the people who are already successful, and follow their footsteps. By listening to their advice, you will reach your goals much faster!

Quick Tips for Inter-personnel skills:
• Be nice to people.
• Have a positive attitude.
• Smile. It doesn’t cost anything, and is good for health.
• Use the criticism you receive to help you grow and further develop in your career.
• Find a mentor and become a mentor. You will benefit a great deal from both of these experiences.

Wish you a super (सेभीऊपर) successful aviation career!

By Mr. Suryavir Singh Bisht – (Sr. General Manager - Ground Services)

Pradyumna Sharma

Journey of the Dream to Fly

17th Dec. 1903 was an epic day, which witnessed the first manned, controlled, fixed wing, heavier than air flight, invented and flown by famous inventors Wright brothers at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, USA.

To gain existing knowledge of flight experiments, the Wright brothers - Orville Wright (August 19, 1871 – January 30, 1948) and Wilbur Wright (April 16, 1867 – May 30, 1912) - studied extensively. By using the acquired knowledge with their engineering expertise from Cycle repair and production, the Wright brothers started to design & experiment aircraft designs for aerodynamics, lift, power, controls, etc.

By 1902 they had invented a controlled Glider, which flew a distance of 400 meters. Motivated by this success, they started to work on powered aircrafts and built the aircraft they called FLYER.

On the epic day, the Wright brothers completed 4 flights with the longest flight being around 59 seconds covering 852 feet. (https://youtu.be/AAHzSeqHwSQ).

The technology for future flights was now tested and available. Modern flying principles confirm the design to be an engineering feat (https://youtu.be/LigpsX1KoQE).

Since the first flight, development of aviation technology skyrocketed. Even the Military use of aircraft was thought of and demonstrated in 1909 (https://youtu.be/dtZ8MxuePno).

This was the time when development of Aviation was fast paced. Aviation industry was taking its shape and it also saw birth of aviation companies like Martin Aviation, Boeing and so on…………….

Spicy Talents

Anand Kumar (DEL)

I am Anand Kumar, working with SpiceJet catering team at Delhi and I am happy that I got this platform to share my story and achievements with all my team members. I joined SpiceJet on 2nd February 2016. I always had a passion for fitness and Body Building and have always motivated myself by these two quotes:

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” -Mahatma Gandhi

“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths”- Arnold Schwarzenegger

When I got the opportunity to work with SpiceJet, it helped me to serve other people and make them feel happy, which always makes me have a good sleep at night knowing that I have done a good deed.

SpiceJet team gave me all support and encouragement to fulfil my passion, be it sports, Bodybuilding and fitness. I also do modelling for brands as a part of my passion. I participated in several bodybuilding competitions and Photo Shoots for the brands. Being here feels like you are at the right place at right 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎. Below are few of my achievements:

• I won Gold Medal in men's physique body building championship "Gladiator Classic" under DBBFSA Delhi Body Building & Fitness Spoprts Association
• 1 Silver in "Classic Body Building" under BBF The Association of Body Builder, Delhi

I hope my story would motivate many more to pursue their passion and dreams.

Garima Saini (ATQ)

Myself Garima Saini, a person who is enthusiastic towards my goals and career. Currently working at SpiceJet and have my leisure interest in Art, Sketching and exploring new things. I like to travel and meet new people. I am also interested in the fashion field and want to be a fashion designer, designing and playing with garments. Post joining SpiceJet I never stopped my passion for Sketching/Painting as I always got the support and encouragement from my teammates. I like to illustrate my childhood days through my sketching. Sketching is a way to relive the memories of my childhood and I always enjoy doing that.

My City My Place

Bagdogra - “The Gateway Town to North-East India” (By-Team bagdogra)

Bagdogra is a small town resting at the foothills of the Himalayas, it is located on the western part of Siliguri city which is a major city of West Bengal in the Darjeeling district.

It is often regarded as the gateway town to North-East India and the Himalayas. The area is famous for its tea estates and the abundance of greenery. The town becomes mesmerizing during monsoons as you get to see the clouds hovering around the peaks of the mountains. Bagdogra is a quiet and beautiful destination that is ideal for nature lovers and anyone looking for a refreshing and peaceful holiday.

This region has been blessed with an abundance of nature and greenery. River Teesta flows through this town, making it an excellent spot for river rafting. The city is surrounded by lush green tea gardens and serves as a perfect getaway for nature lovers. Bagdogra Airport is one of the busiest Airport, it gained importance for being the entry point for tourists travelling from different parts of India and across the globe, providing means to connect them to world famous tourist destinations; Darjeeling, Dooars region, Sikkim, Siliguri and neighboring Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh.

The town is well connected to major Indian cities and offers plenty of picturesque sights and activities. This area is spread across the foothills of the Himalayas and is a plain land gently sloping from north to south. While the northern part is mentioned as the Terai region, the larger southern portion forms the western part of the Dooars region. On the western side the Mechi River forms a long border with Nepal. On the eastern side the Mahananda River forms a short border with Bangladesh.

This region has its own unique culture and has played a major role in the economic growth of the State.

Here is the experience of one of our team members! Read On ….:

I remember the day well, it was a Saturday morning, and I was preoccupied with work as our Delhi flight SG8903 was scheduled to land in the next thirty-five minutes. As I was preparing for the flight, somebody swiftly tapped on my shoulder from behind. I turned around to see a giant man with a cowboy hat, who looked to be in his mid-sixtiesand seemed to be a bit confused and worried. He finally opened up and said – “Hi, where's gate number three?”. Pointing my finger towards left, I said –“Sir, go straight from here and then take a right, you will get to read a sign board there.”

He lifted his specks up on his forehead and looked at me from top to the toe.

“Beta, are you from Darjeeling?”, he questioned.

“Yes Sir, I'm”, I replied with a smile!“You visited Darjeeling?”, I quickly asked.

“I was here on a five day’s solo tour …… what a fascinating and memorizing place it is! I am trulyblessed to have an opportunity to visit. I had a wonderful time here and I will cherish these moments forever. One should visit this place once before dying!”, he added.

“Thankyou, Sir!” I said.

At the end, he introduced himself as a Gujarati and offered me to visit his place anytime in future. “Sure, Sir, will place you a call if I get a chance to visit. I got to go, Sir. Nice meeting you. Happy landing!”, I said and left.

That was the day I felt proud to originally hail from this region.

As the gentleman remarked, “Once should visit this place once in a life time”, we look forward to see you all!!

Sumit Sharma (CSE) - ATQ

तू मंज़िल की तलाश कर

ऐ सोच तू अपना इक निशान बना
बंजर धरती पे अपना इक जहान बना
मुश्किलें आएंगी हजारों चलते हुए राहों पे
जीत निश्चित है जब मन हो दृढ़ बना

ऐ सोच तू अपना इक निशान बना

झुका नही सकते कभी बादल पर्वतों को
चाहे मेघ हो या बादल कितना घना
निश्चित होकर अटल रहना अपने निश्चय पर
मंजिल मिल जाएगी जब मन में हो ठना !

ऐ सोच तू अपना इक निशान बना

झुकना नहीं रुकना नही चलते है जाना
इक तू है तूने ही खुद को अपना माना
जीत के किले पे परचम अपना फहरा
खुद को जग के लिए इक मिसाल बना
ए सोच तू अपना इक निशान बना
बंजर धरती पे अपना जहां बना !

By: Sumit Sharma (CSE) - ATQ

Shahnawaz Hussain
(Sr. Executive – Security) - CCU

जिंदगी मैं कई लोग मिलेंगे

जिंदगी में कई लोग मिलेंगे...
जिंदगी में कई लोग मिलेंगे...
मिलेगी कुछ कहानियां... कुछ हादसे...
कहानी जिन्हे हम हमें याद रखना चाहते हैं.. पर बताना किसको नहीं..
कुछ हद से जो सब जानते हैं .. कुछ सच्चे जिनसे सिर्फ हम वेकफ हैं ..
कुछ लम्हे जो बहुत ज्यादा...
कुछ लोग जो बहुत अज़ीज़ थे..
हां थे... जिंदगी में कभी...
है अभी बस बातें मुझे..
कुछ सपने जो हकीकत तो ना हो पाए...
कुछ हकीकत जो तसवुर बन गए..
जिंदगी के सफर में खुल के जीना सीखो
हर पल कुछ लोग मिलेंगे.. जिंदगी में कई लोग मिलेंगे.. जिंदगी में कई लोग मिलेंगे..

सुना है

मैंने सुना है लोगों को साथ मुस्कुराते हुए..
फ़िर उन्हे आप में नाक कटे हुए..
वो जो इसी बात उसे करते हैं...
देखा है मैंने उसे अकेले खराब होने वाले हैं..
सोचा था उन दुनिया है बड़ी बोहोत...
मैंने देखा है लोगो को छोटी गलियों में गिर जाते हुए..
खैर .. दिन ढलते डेर ही कहां लगती है...
कट जाएगी शाम .. उन्ही मुस्कुराते हुए..!!
काफ़ी सारे दोस्त जो करीब हुआ करते थे..
काफ़ी से वो "कुछ" और फिर "बस कुछ" बन जाते थे..!!

By: Shahnawaz Hussain (Sr. Executive – Security) - CCU

17th Anniversary Celebrations at Airports
























Port Blair







Celebrations at our Airports & Head Office

Customer delight Region-March’22- East

Fun Friday – HO

EID – By Cochin Team


Song by Mr. Suresh – Kanpur

Mother’s Day

Reel by Team Jharsuguda


Reel by Team Patna

Reel by Team Porbandar

Reel by Team Patna


Reel by Team Kishangarh

Reel by Team Jaipur

17th Anniversary Celebration by Team Durgapur


Reel by Team Kanpur

17th Anniversary Celebration by Team Cochin

17th Anniversary Celebration by Team Kolkata


17th Anniversary Celebration by Team Jammu

17th Anniversary Celebration by Team SpiceJet

17th Anniversary Celebration by Team Srinagar


17th Anniversary Celebration
by Team Silchar

17th Anniversary Celebration
by Team Trivandrum

17th Anniversary Celebration Dance
by Team Mumbai


Reel by Team Jharsuguda

Reel by Team Amritsar

Reel by Team Mumbai


Reel by Team Delhi

Celebration at Belagavi

Reel by Team Kolkata


Appreciation for Great work by our Team Members

Great work by Our team member Mr. Aman Raj and the entire Varanasi team as their team work saved a little angel flying with us!!

Great work by Our team member Mr. Shaik Sohail and the entire Hyderabad team on their team work !! Kudos👏👏👏👏🥰🥰 !! @jsotalks

Little gestures can make big differences!! We are here to be with you all !! Mr. Ajay Kumar and Ms. Poornima Singh @Kanpur

The Funny Bones got activated as We had pleasure of flying the Poetry Maestro Mr. Surendra Sharma @Darbhanga @surendrasharma

We had a great moment with the Former No.1 Badminton player, The Padma Shri, Padma Bhushan and Arjuna Award Awardee Ms. Sania Nehwal @Dehradun

The Funny Bones got activated as We had pleasure of flying the Poetry Maestro Mr. Surendra Sharma @Delhi @surendrasharma

SpiceJet welcomes Our Civil Aviation Minister Shri. Jyotiraditya Scindia @delhiairport 😊 !! Proud Moment

We had the pleasure of flying a great singer with a good heart Mr. Jubin Nautiyal @Dharmshala #dilgaltikarbaithahai @jubin_nautiyal

Recently we had presence of one of the “Bhajan Samrat”Mr. Anup Jalota, flying with us !! @Gorakhpur @spicejetairlines @spicyreflection

It was a great feeling to meet the Indian Idol fame Mr. Rishabh Chaturvedi !! @rishabhchaturvediofficial @jaipurinternationalairport

Recently we had the presence of English county cricketer Mr. Martin Anderson and also Mr. Lender Eduardo Matthias @jaipurinternationalairport @countycricketclub

Today we had presence of the “Bhajan Samrat”Mr. Anup Jalota, flying with us !! @Jaipur @spicejetairlines

Recently we had a great moment to meet the former Deputy Chief Minister of Rajasthan and also President of the Rajasthan Pradesh Congress Committee Mr. Sachin Pilot !!

Recently we had the presence of one of the finest actress of India Ms. Sheeba Chadha !! @Jaipur @sheeba.chadha

Today we got the chance to meet the beautiful Ms. Malaika Arora at Jaipur airport 😊 @vinitakanwargour @ritubalodia @manishAwasthi @Shankarsharma!! @malaikaarora

It was great to have the Music composition team of Mr. Sachet Tandon and Ms. Parampara with us @Kanpur !! Musical times😊 sanchetparamparaofficial_fc @sanchetta

Recently we had the presence of the Politician and the great Bhojpuri singerActor Mr. Manoj Tiwary @Kanpur !! @spicyreflection @spicejetairlines

Recently we had the pleasure to fly and share moments with Two Maestro of music industry.. The legend Mr. Shankar Mahadevan and the singing sensation Mr. Rahul

It was a Spiritual blessing when we had Pujya Acharya Bhai Shree Maharaj Ramesh oza Ji with us @Porbandar !!

It was an amazing feeling to meet the great actress Ms. Supriya Pilgaonkar along with her parents😊😊 @Porbandar !!

It is always melodious when you have the versatile and great singer Mr. Kailash Kher with You😊 !! Thank you Sir😊

It was a great feeling to fly the Charity Commissioner and New Judge of Bombay Hight Court Mr. Shivkumar Dige and his family !! @Porbandar.

It was a great feeling to fly the Charity Commissioner and New Judge of Bombay Hight Court Mr. Shivkumar Dige and his family !! @Porbandar

It was Great moment to meet Mr. Vikas Fhatak (Hindustani Bhau) at Surat

We were amazed to have the Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas of India Mr. Hardeep Singh Puri with us in our recent flight from Pakyong😊 !! Proud Moment @hardeepsp

More Delights

It was an amazing time with the great cricketer Mr. Yusuf Pathan at Patna😊

Recently we had a splendid moment with a great singer and a kind hearted person Mr. Jubin Nautiyal @Dehradun @mr.eligible @ankitnepane @saurabhkala97 @nehasingh9761

Recently we had the heartthrob and great actor Mr. Govinda with us at Varanasi 😊😊

Recently we had the pleasure to meet the Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh Mr. Shivraj Singh Chauhan😊 !! @ Gwalior

We all were “Khamosh” 😊 and in sheer bliss when we had the honour to meet one of the greatest Actor and Politician Mr. Shatrughan Sinha @Durgapur

we had the honour to fly Mr. Bhaichung Bhutia Sir also known as “torchbearer of Indian football in the international arena”. @ CCU !! @bhaichung15

We recently had the presence of the Ambassador of Myanmar Mr. Moe Kyaw Aung and Ms. Nilar Aung @Kushinagar !! #myanmar

You can always guarantee for Comedy and a smiling time when you have the great Mr. Murari Lal Pareek around!! We thank him for the lovely gesture😊 !! @murarilaloffici


Customer Delight Moments

Earth Day at Airports

Mothers Day Celebrations

SpiceJet Starts Hajj Operation from Srinagar

Message from Champions Desk

April 2022

Customer Delight Airport - Category 1 (PAT)

“Your talent and the right opportunities open the first few doors, but your attitude opens the rest.

Customers are assets to be cared for and nurtured.

Approach each passenger with the idea of helping him or her to solve a problem or achieve a goal, not of selling a product or Services.

Passengers remember the service a lot longer than they remember the price.

Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.

A team is not a group of people who work together but a team is a group of people who trust each other.

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

I am fortunate to have wonderful team with me.To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity. A Smile on the face of Passengers is worth more than a million dollars.

People will forget what you said, they will forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel.

- Syed Z Hassan (APM – PAT)

Customer Delight Airport - Category 2 (GWL)

The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team strength. We would like to thank all individual for making it possible again. 😊

- Faraz Ahmed Siddiqui (APM-GWL)

Customer Delight Airport - Category 3 (STV)

As an Airport manager I am extremely proud of my STV team. We are very energetic in participating in all the events with enthusiasm. On receiving customer delight award back to back for three months indicates our team is doing excellent job in giving customer service at Surat Airport. We treat passenger as God, like in our culture we say “CUSTOMER IS GOD”. The staff at Surat airport welcomes every passenger with smile and also makes sure we make the journey of our passenger delightful and hassle free. We value the emotions of our passenger as we are aware that every passenger travelling on the flight are not travelling for leisure, and we take care of each and everything so that the passenger feels happy, which is our main aim at Surat Airport. We will be continuing to provide the best and delightful service at Surat Airport.

- Sachin Pillai (APM-STV)

Customer Delight Airport - Category 4 (KBK)

It is difficult to become champion but it is too difficult to be remain champion.

We did it again with the help of our strong team of Kushinagar station. Customer satisfaction is key of success. This award shows the team effort of Khushinagar, hence I dedicate it to all my team members and congratulate them for the same.

- Kapil Kumar Khare (APM - KBK)

Winner of the SpicyReflection Quiz - May 2022 Edition

Mr. Hari Prakash (CSE – Madurai)

Just Laugh

Answer & Win - Employee Quiz (June 2022)

Motivational Videos

A Short Story To Put A Smile On Your Face

The Three Old Friends


Upcoming !

Next month edition will cover “World Environment Day / World Blood Donation Day / International Father’s Day /International Yoga Day, so please contribute with your Ideas/articles by 5th July 2022 at spicyreflection@spicejet.com