Budha Purnima

India has been the home for many religions and reformers who spread their message of peace and harmony all around the world. Among them was Gautam Buddha. Today, Buddhism has become a very popular and followed religion around the world. Even in India it is followed by 0.7 percent people considering our population it is a very large number. As India has always been the cradle of civilizations and religions so to say, Even the Highest religious preacher of Buddhism i.e. His Holiness the Dalai Lama, who has been in exile from his own country Tibet, finds his refuge in India. Hence, making the two towns i.e. Dharamshala and Leh Ladakh the biggest centers of the religion.

As per Indian texts Gautam Buddha was born as Prince Siddharth at Lumbini in Nepal at around 563-483 BC. His mother was queen Maya Devi and father was king Suddhodana. We have all read a chapter of his life in our textbooks named “Siddharth aur sarthi”. We learned how a young prince asked questions about life to his common aid and gained wisdom. From only knowing the spoils and kingship earlier, he saw the suffering of the world for the first time when he went out to the city. He came to know, No one can escape pain, old age and death (suffering) regardless of their position in the world. Only a saint who has become devoid of worldly pleasures can achieve peace. Thus, He left all his royal comforts to seek nirvana.

We all suffer in life. The reasons might be different but the main cause is desire. Thus, we seek deliverance in prayer. This thought defied borders and reached all around the world and is one of the biggest religions today.

Buddha Purnima has since been celebrated not just in India but the world as the holy day of birth of Gautam Buddha. It might be on different days in different places of the world but signifies the same occasion.

Leaving religions aside it gives us the universal message that life walks hand in hand with suffering, it cannot be avoided and the root cause of suffering is desire, If we can just control our desires we can control suffering and attain a somewhat inner peace that is required for a healthy and fulfilling life.

As the Buddhist saying goes “Resolutely train yourself to attain Peace”


By: Krishan Singh Solanki (Customer Service Executive – Dharamshala)

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