Journey of the Dream to Fly

As we realized in the last edition that it’s the landing gears which take a lot of stress for landing the aircrafts. Today we will talk about the last part to leave the runway and touch down first. Yes the Tires.

The Aircraft tires are designed to take very heavy load, but only for a short durations. These are primarily manufactured with natural raw rubber which is obtained from sap of a tree called Hevea Brasiliensis. Carbon black is added to natural rubber to get desired properties.

To this Sulphur is added to increase elasticity, strength, resilience and weather resistance.

To understand the manufacturing, lets watch this video

Have your ever wondered what these tires are inflated with.
Aircraft tires are filed with Nitrogen. Nitrogen gas is pumped into the tires until a specific pounds per square (PSI) of pressure is reached. Whether narrow-body or wide-body, nearly all airplanes have nitrogen-inflated tires. Nitrogen offers several benefits when used to fill airplane tires.

Keeps Out Moisture
Nitrogen keeps moisture out of airplane tires. Regular atmospheric air contains moisture. If used to fill airplane tires, air will introduce moisture. Moisture will enter airplane tires where it causes other problems. Filling airplane tires with nitrogen prevents moisture from entering them.

Protects Against Corrosion
Because it keeps out moisture, nitrogen protects airplane tires against corrosion. Airplane tires can succumb to corrosion. Moisture will facilitate oxidation within airplane tires, thus causing them to corrode from the inside out.

Assuming it’s pure, nitrogen won’t contain any moisture. Therefore, it protects airplane tires against corrosion. Airplane tires are sealed. They can be pumped with nitrogen without introducing moisture. And with nitrogen, corrosion isn’t a concern.

Promotes Consistent Pressure
Another reason nitrogen is used to fill airplane tires is because it promotes consistent pressure. The pressure of an airplane’s tires may vary depending on the altitude. As the airplane ascends, the pressure of its tires may change. This is due mostly to the moisture vapor freezing. The moisture vapor inside of the tires will freeze, thereby creating inconsistent pressure.

Nitrogen doesn’t contain moisture, so it promotes consistent pressure. Airplane tires inflated with nitrogen may experience some minor fluctuations in tire pressure, but the PSI will remain relatively stable.

It’s also worth noting that nitrogen is a nonflammable gas. Pure oxygen can be moisture-free as well, but oxygen is a highly flammable gas. When exposed to a heat source, it can ignite. If this ignition occurs inside of a tire, it may cause the tire to explode.Nitrogen offers a safe and effective alternative to oxygen. As a nonflammable gas, it will not ignite when exposed to a heat source.

Let’s watch this video

It’s a good Idea to fill your car tires with Nitrogen, which is now easily available.

In today’s world where waste is a sin, recycling the products a great option.
How can we re used or recycle Aircraft tires.
Firstly the aircraft tires are retreaded and retreaded till the strength gets compromised.
However they are still very strong and can be used in farm equipment’s and or can be completely recycled through a complex process.

As we come to end of this edition, lets also pledge to be more environment friendly by using RRR for all the plastic and polythene products
R- Refuse
R- Reuse
R- Recycle.

In the next edition we will discuss about another interesting part of an aircraft.

By: Mr. Pradyumna Sharma (Sr. Manager – Ground Services)

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