SPICY Talent

Ankit Nepane (Dharamshala)

Hello everyone, My name is Ankit Nepane from Dharamshala and I am really happy and excited to share my story on this platform with my team members. So sit back and enjoy my journey.

I was born on March 9, 1995 in Dehradun. I grew up in a loving family where  my siblings and parents introduced me to the values of hard work and kindness.  I did  my schooling from SGRR Public School, Dehradun. Since childhood, I was known for  my curiosity and love for planes.  I used to watch airplanes flying in the sky.

After graduating from higher secondary school, I joined DAV (PG) College and graduated in 2015. During  my college days, I was passionate about photography . Once there was a family function at my home and there I saw that the photographer how to clicking the natural photos , so I decided to make it my passion right there.

Here are a few ways in which photography improved me as a person and can also help everyone:

1. Observation and appreciation: Photography encourages you to pay attention to your surroundings, noticing the beauty in the ordinary and appreciating the small details. This habit of observation can enhance your ability to find joy and gratitude in everyday life, ultimately making you a more mindful and appreciative person.

2. Creativity and self-expression: Engaging with photography stimulates your creative thinking and self-expression. By capturing images that reflect your unique perspective and emotions, you are able to express yourself artistically and communicate your thoughts and feelings in a visual language. This creative outlet can foster self-discovery and a deeper understanding of your own identity and values.

3. Perspective and empathy: Through photography, you learn to see the world from different perspectives. By exploring different subjects, cultures, and environments, you develop a greater understanding and empathy for others. Photography encourages you to step outside of your comfort zone and engage with diverse experiences and perspectives, enhancing your ability to connect with and relate to others.

4. Patience and mindfulness: Photography often requires patience and a slow, deliberate approach. It teaches you to slow down, observe, and wait for the right moment. This practice of mindfulness can extend beyond photography and positively affect your daily life. It can help you become more patient, present, and appreciative in your interactions with others.

5. Storytelling and communication: Photography is a powerful medium for storytelling. It allows you to convey narratives, evoke emotions, and share experiences without words. By developing your storytelling abilities, you become a more effective communicator, capable of expressing complex ideas and connecting with others on a deeper level.

6. Personal growth and self-confidence: Engaging in photography can be a journey of personal growth. As you hone your skills, experiment with different techniques, and push your creative boundaries, you develop a sense of accomplishment, self-confidence, and resilience. This newfound confidence can extend beyond photography and positively impact other areas of your life.

Remember, personal growth and improvement are unique to each individual, and the benefits derived from photography may vary. However, embracing photography as a hobby or form of self-expression can certainly contribute to your personal development and help you become a better person. 

After graduating from HNBGU University, I got selected and joined SpiceJet in the year 2022. In November 2022, I was transferred from Dehradun Airport to Dharamshala Airport. It was a new journey with new place but I must tell you I always keep people happy and bring smile to their face around me. While showcasing my hard work I got a chance and In January 2023, got the post of Load Officer.

Apart from work, I love spending time with my family and friends, trekking and clicking pictures. and I always look for an opportunity for helping people, and because of my sweet and helpful nature I win the hearts of passengers and my colleagues ☺.

Additionally, I received a Spice Star award. I want to express my gratitude to my team for always supporting meto follow my passion, and assisting me in developing professionally. I hope you all enjoyed my story and will wait to know more of my colleagues through the platform of SpicyReflection.

Mr. Ankit Nepane–(Customer Service Executive – Dharamshala)

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